Little Simz - Broken (Official Audio) - YouTube





by Little Simz.
Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it
當你感到心碎,無可修復 Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it
What does it mean to be broken?
心如刀割是何種感覺?* A wound is painfully open
舊傷被無情地撕開 The beauty is in the finding the darkest parts of the ocean
美麗在於探尋海洋中最幽深的所在 Deep waters in motion, the tide was coming in heavy
鼓動的海水,洶湧的浪潮 I always knew I was chosen to handle whatever chose me
我早有預感,我被賦予天命要面對注定的挑戰, Picking all of my poisons, abandoning my emotions
拾起命運的重擔,將情緒拋之腦後 Questions got me feeling like I should never have spoken
外在的質疑讓我自問是否不該發聲 Damn right I'm spillin', the narrative, they keep switchin'
但該死的,我滔滔不絕地講述,那些不斷改變的故事* All I wanted to do was uplift the women
我竭盡心力 只為鼓舞女性* You gotta move if you ain't backin' the vision
你若不支持這個願景 請你讓到一旁 They wanna see you a victim and giving up on your mission
他們想看到你放棄使命、成為失敗者之一 I been hittin' some lows and never tellin' a soul
我從未向他人訴說 我經歷過的許多低谷 You can have everything and nothing, still nobody knows
你可以擁有一切或一無所有,卻始終籍籍無名 There's a reason why the doves will never fly with the crows
白鴿不與烏鴉同飛 自有原因* Chapters eventually closed, your friends will turn into foes
當故事到了結尾,朋友變成了敵人 Everybody so obsessed with the CEO
所有人都為領航者癡迷 She probably got the most troubles, that she'll never disclose
也許她永不會透露她自身的諸多難題 Dealing with the dark by taking the white to the nose
堅忍不拔地對抗黑暗* Poker face and now she'll continue in with the show
隱藏情緒並繼續表演 Scrutinize for freeing the truth about the system
揭露關於這個體制的真相* All she wanted to do was uplift the women
她竭盡所能 只為激勵女性
Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it
當你感到心碎,無可修復 Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it
What does it mean to be broken?
什麼是絕望? Feels that your light has been stolen
感覺生命中的亮光被盜取 Can't recognize you are golden
無法意識到自己的光輝* And you don't see that you're loved
Smoking weed on your ones, isolating yourself
放縱自我,孤立自身* Am I even enough? Then you question yourself 質問自己:「是否我永遠都不夠好?」
Man, this week has been tough, been saying that for a year 年復一年地說道 生活不好過*
How do I disappear? Can I hide from my fears?
如何迴避自我?我該如何逃離我的恐懼? Sometimes a feather can feel like a stone
有時輕如鴻毛卻彷彿重若石塊 When your soul weak, you can feel that shit in your bones
當意志軟弱, 你能清晰地認知到自身的缺陷 She was lonely, taking anyone to the home
渴求溫暖以填補寂寞* Getting cozy, internal insecurities travelling so deep
獲取撫慰,將內在的焦慮暗藏心中 We all go through our hardships
我們都在經歷著各異的困境 But no life books show knees to the carpet
但無人願意屈服* And pray you're being guided by a force, so you can't sink
祈求有一股力量指引妳免於挫敗* Look how far you've come and see you've only just started
妳過去的種種成就僅是開端* You exist, you alive, you are deserving of life
妳存在、妳活著,妳不虛此生 You are a beacon of light, you are determined to fly
妳是一道萬丈光芒,妳注定要高飛 You have a journal inside, you have the power to write
妳擁有自己的故事,妳有權書寫自己的生活 You have the opportunity every day to decide, choose love
每一日妳都有機會可以取捨,擇妳所愛 It might just blossom into a new love
也許它就會開花結果 But whatever happens, just know that you've won
Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it
當你感到心碎,無可修復 Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it
Ain't no happiness in it
沒有一絲歡娛可言 Fake smiles just to deal with all the pain you've been given
強顏歡笑只為忍受所有加諸於妳的苦痛 As a child, they don't tell you that your dreams can come into fruition
在妳年幼時 沒有人告訴過妳夢想可以成真 You never been to that place you envision
妳的願景似乎永遠遙不可及 Sky gave you limits you had no choice but to accept
生命有其限制 你別無選擇 只得接受* Forced into work to contribute to the profit of Britain
被迫工作為國家謀求福利* That sneeze'll be blessed, but the coffin'll kill 'em
無傷大雅之事為萬眾矚目 而生死存亡的議題卻遭冷眼相待* It's the armageddon city, this shit might damage your soul
這是個末日之城 這些狗屁倒灶之事會損害妳的心靈* They won't take the weight of you when you can manage the load
當妳能夠承受磨難時 不會有人為你分擔辛勞 Like they're just waiting to hear a fucking crack in your bones
好似他們正好整以暇地等待著 妳不堪負荷、粉身碎骨* Generational trauma you've had to deal with alone
妳獨自面對世代的創傷 No father, how do you become a man on your own?
缺失成長歷程中的榜樣 你該如何自立自強? Did the best that you could with the tools you were loaned
只得竭盡所能 奮力一搏* Didn't know how to break the mould and now you're raising a clone
無法打破的社會枷鎖 讓下一代依然在束縛中成長* Gives me comfort to believe you want the best for your seed
給予我信念去相信 你願意為了孩子們而打造更好的世界 Wishful thinking, if the intentions don't align with the deed
懷抱希望 即便行徑與期望分歧 And if what you hear contradicts what you read, war ready
若妳遭遇了不公的對待 展開反擊 They travel to this country for peace
為了尋求安穩的生活而來到此處 Crabs in a barrel, your neighbour feeling the same shit
同病相憐 妳的街坊鄰居也身陷相同的困境 But he might screw you, if someone offers a payslip
但是他也許會為了個人利益而出賣妳* No one ever told you your mind is not to be played with
無人告誡妳的意志不該被操弄 No one ever taught you 'bout moderation and patience
沒有人教導妳如何保持自律和耐心 Under all the eyes and the pressure and the scrutiny
處於萬眾矚目的壓力與評判之下* Why is mental health a taboo in the Black community?
Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it
當你感到心碎,無可修復 Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix
It shouldn't be a norm to live your life as a tragedy
如同悲劇一般地生存 不該成為常態 To live your life in a state of confusion and agony
你不該習慣在困惑與折磨中過活* Promises you made reflect the promises they gave you
妳所得到的 反映出妳所能給予的 And all these harsh experiences don't reflect your age
妳的年齡卻傳遞不出那些嚴酷的經歷* No family to save you, no friends to aid you
沒有家人的守護,缺乏友人的支持 Can't even speak English
甚至因為語言的隔閡 so there's no-one to explain to
也無人能夠傾訴 only God to pray to
只能對上帝祈禱 They denied you of your hope, but you found a way through
他們背棄了妳的希望 但妳找到另一條生路 That's a breakthrough
這是一個巨大的突破 twenty-one, landed in London with hardly any funds
二十一歲時 身無分文地來到倫敦 twenty-seven, tryna get back to being twenty-one
二十七歲的現在,盼望著回到當初 'Cause nothing's changed, still no money, but more things to pay for
生活沒有改變,依舊一貧如洗,卻有更多支出 So the blood pressure rises slowly, by the day
日復一日地升高的生存壓力 Work two jobs, just so rice is on the children's plate
兩份正職 才足以養育孩子* Landlord tells you, "This is the last time you can be late"
房東告誡妳 不許再遲交租金 Health issues that you try to suppress
試圖壓抑妳的健康問題* But all your health issues are derived from stress
但所有的這些毛病都源自於妳的生活壓迫* You tried your best, gave an arm and a leg
儘管竭盡心力、仍是入不敷出* Only tears and a cold house is what you've been left with
妳的盈餘只有眼淚與冷清的家 Self-hate for the Black skin you were blessed with
因為妳天生的膚色而自我怨恨* Hard to believe there's something greater you were destined for
不敢想像 妳命中註定將擁有更遠大的人生目標 Prepping for, gave your life to others who didn't invest in yours
做好萬全準備 不計回報地為他人投注畢生心血 A broken soul, selected for God's plan
一個破碎的靈魂,被天命所選 Everything will be what's it's meant to, when it's in God's hands
Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it
當你感到心碎,無可修復 Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it
Feeling broken and you don't exist
感到支離破碎,不再存在 When you're feeling broken and you cannot fix it


第一次聽 Little Simz 的作品就是這首<Broken>,實在太喜歡她的歌詞,決定久違地來挑戰翻譯。

第一次翻譯饒舌歌曲,真的是巨大的挑戰... 因為她的詞實在寫得太好了,許多的諺語、比喻、還有玩轉英語的各種精妙詞句,讓我很掙扎該如何翻譯?是要按字面翻,或是翻出背後的意涵呢?


▸ 第一段:

*What does it mean to be broken?

→ 這裡的「Broken」是一種「感受到 被外在世界打敗、被深深地傷害」的情緒,可以說只能意會,難以言傳;所以選擇盡量能貼近這樣的情緒的形容詞。
*Questions got me feeling like I should never have spoken
外在的質疑讓我自問是否不該發聲 Damn right I'm spillin', the narrative, they keep switchin'
但該死的,我滔滔不絕地講述,那些不斷改變的故事* All I wanted to do was uplift the women
我竭盡心力 只為鼓舞女性*
下一句最難翻的是:「I'm spillin'」跟「the narrative」。「spillin'」意思為水溢出來,形容人時,可以說是一個人不斷地說話,一直說一直說的感覺。而「the narrative」則比較類似於「文本」的意思,中文裡實在很難找到一個同義詞,所以改變了一點語序。
uplift the women」,uplift 這個詞難翻的程度也是令人頭痛,它是非常意象的詞;直翻成「提升女性」實在是很粗淺,語意上實際接近於:「希望成為楷模,提攜其他女性」。
*You gotta move if you ain't backin' the vision
你若不支持這個願景 請你讓到一旁*
*There's a reason why the doves will never fly with the crows
白鴿不與烏鴉同飛 自有原因*
*Dealing with the dark by taking the white to the nose
→「taking the white to the nose」,隱晦的指「吸食毒品」。「white」是為了與前述的「dark」來對比。
*Scrutinize for freeing the truth about the system

▸ 第二段:

*Feels that your light has been stolen
感覺生命中的亮光被盜取 Can't recognize you are golden
*Smoking weed on your ones, isolating yourself
→「Smoking weed」相信大家都知道,指「吸毒」again。
*Man, this week has been tough, been saying that for a year 年復一年地說道 生活不好過*
→這句歌詞很有意思,它指的是:【 妳說「天啊,這禮拜過的真是艱辛」,但妳已經說了同樣的話將近一年了。】 能理解為 生活一直都很不好過。
*She was lonely, taking anyone to the home
→「taking anyone to the home」,隱晦的指 藉由肉體關係獲得溫暖。
*But no life books show knees to the carpet
→「show knees to the carpet」屈膝跪下,意指屈服、放棄。
*And pray you're being guided by a force, so you can't sink
→「pray」跟「guide」,祈禱獲得上帝的指引,playing with words;「can't sink」其實比較接近於存活,可以翻成「讓妳可以生存」,但既然英文用的是否定句,中翻也保留否定句。
*Look how far you've come and see you've only just started
→「Look how far you've come」= 「看!妳已走了多遠。」
*But whatever happens, just know that you've won
→「just know that you've won」,直翻是:「妳已經是個贏家」,妳已經足夠好,不需要再自我懷疑。
▸ 第三段:
*Sky gave you limits you had no choice but to accept
生命有其限制 你別無選擇 只得接受*
→「Sky gave you limits」,天空給了妳飛行的極限。「gave」跟「accept」,給予與接受,playing with words.
*Forced into work to contribute to the profit of Britain
→「Britain」= 英國,Little Simz 是英國歌手。順便「Britain」跟前面的字尾們押韻 (given、fruition、envision)。
*That sneeze'll be blessed, but the coffin'll kill 'em
無傷大雅之事為萬眾所矚目 而生死存亡的議題卻遭冷眼相待*
→「sneeze」跟「blessed」,在英國,打噴嚏時周遭的人都會祝妳健康;「but the coffin'll kill 'em」,英國依然盛行土葬,因此說到棺木,英國的土地快不夠讓人下葬了,但是對於使用火葬很多人也不情願,只能說這是個不受歡迎的議題。
*It's the armageddon city, this shit might damage your soul
這是個末日之城 這些狗屁倒灶之事會損害妳的心靈*
→ 「shit」我相信大家都知道這是一個粗話,但我還是把它潤飾了一下。
*They won't take the weight of you when you can manage the load
當妳能夠承受磨難時 不會有人為你分擔辛勞 Like they're just waiting to hear a fucking crack in your bones
好似他們正好整以暇地等待著 妳不堪負荷、粉身碎骨*
→ 第一句的「Weight」是重量、負重的意思,如果這兩句歌詞要直翻,會更貼近於:「沒有人會拿走你幾乎無法承受的負重,好像他們就在等著要聽到你的骨頭被負重壓碎的聲響」,英文歌詞寫的真美,韻律和意境十足。
*No father, how do you become a man on your own?
缺失成長歷程中的榜樣, 你該如何自立自強? Did the best that you could with the tools you were loaned
只得竭盡所能 奮力一搏*
→「No father...」這句其實我並不是很確定該怎麼翻譯,因為「father」跟「son」我覺得以前後文來推斷,可能更接近於『榜樣』和『個人』,而不是真正指『父』與『子』的意思,但我不是百分百確定...
*Didn't know how to break the mould and now you're raising a clone
無法打破的社會枷鎖 讓下一代依然在束縛中成長*
→ 「Clone」 是克隆的意思,意旨下一代將成為這一世代的複製品。在此我綜合了整首歌的意涵,潤飾一些。
*But he might screw you, if someone offers a payslip
→「Screw sb.」意思直白點說的話,有點像"衝康某人";「payslip」 or paycheque,意思是薪資。我想這裡大概是指有人為錢或好處來弄妳,挺有趣的是,這裡Little Simz用了「he」,我不知道她是為了押韻,或是意有所指而使用「男性」作為出賣他人的那一方。

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